Assisted Reproduction Centre

Microinsemination (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection or ICSI)

1) stimulating the maturation of several follicles in the woman

2) removing oocytes via ultra-sound guided transvaginal puncture

3) contrary to IVF, a single spermatozoon (from an ejaculate or removed from the testicle or epididymis) is injected directly into the oocyte cytoplasm.

After the embryos have been cultured for 2 to 5 days, a limited number of embryos are replaced in the uterus in accordance with legal provisions.
ICSI is used to treat major sperm deficiencies (oligo-asthenospermia and azoospermia and in cases of failed idiopathic fertilisation). ICSI involves the same risks as IVF.

Children born through ICSI appear to display slightly more congenital malformations than children born through IVF (3% as opposed to 2%). These malformations are primarily connected with the genito-urinary organs and a slight increase in anomalies in sexual chromosomes (number and structure), probably transmitted by the father suggesting that a certain number of reproduction deficiencies may be passed on to males from the father.